GOKADEN WEB3 community white label platform

GOKADEN is a white label platform for the video game and publishing industries.Our Playgrounds leverage Fan Fiction and Fan Arts project for marketing activations.

Turn you FANS into CREATORS

1. How does GOKADEN work?
Invite your community to submit creative projects and gain supporters. The Fan-Base curates the best creations through a social and gamified process.
2. What is the goal of GOKADEN?
The primary goal of GOKADEN is to become the go-to platform to hyper engage your community in your IP's market success.
3. Is GOKADEN currently live?
As of the latest update in June 2024, GOKADEN is in Beta Stage collaborating with communities in Publishing and Entertainment.
4. How does GOKADEN price the platform?
GOKADEN's pricing is based on a simple licensing fees.
5. Who is behind GOKADEN?
The GOKADEN team specializes in Tech, Marketing and IP, supported by StationF, V3ntures, Sebastien Borget, the Blockchain Game Alliance and BPI France.